LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes – Justice League: Cosmic Clash (Blu-ray)

LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes – Justice League: Cosmic Clash (Blu-ray)

lego justice league cosmic clash bluFollowing up on the previous LEGO DC videos, we are getting a variant of the plot from LEGO Batman 3. The basic plot of both has Brainiac coming to Earth and the Justice League foiling the nefarious plot.

Let’s be clear, this is silly entertainment, geared towards younger audiences. Yes, parents who are fans of DC’s roster of characters should enjoy watching this alongside their kids, but this really wasn’t made with them primarily in mind. The humor at times can be trite and obvious.

It was fun to see the various LEGO DC super heroes who appeared in previous television specials and movies getting fleshed out and a meatier story. It also expands further into the wider DC universe, which is fun.

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The plot of LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes – Justice League: Cosmic Clash and LEGO Batman 3 differ quite a bit in execution, while they both deal with Brainiac invading earth, here we have our heroes getting scattered across time. This means we also get an appearance by the Legion Of Super-Heroes. Actually, there are a number of characters that crop up for which parents might need to do some explaining (such as the Legion or Vandal Savage).

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At 80 minutes this seems like the perfect length. There is enough run time for the story to gain some depth and short enough that it  doesn’t overstay its welcome. Extras are scant, really the only one is a “gag reel” which is just more sillyness.