30 Days Of Song: Day 1

Day 1 – Your Favorite Song

“Gigantor” – The Dickies

I’m going to take a different route on this. Yeah, right off the bat I’m changing the rules. Instead I’m going to take the “Red Dwarf” approach here, where I’m not necessarily going to discuss my favorite song, but instead the song I have, perhaps, heard the most often. In “Red Dwarf” the computer was meant to create a hologram of the person Lister would be most compatible with, and chose the criteria of who he had the most conversations with. It turned out he had the most conversations with his bunkmate, whom he did not get along with.

The song I have perhaps heard the most in my life is “Gigantor” as performed by The Dickies. It’s actually a cover of a cartoon theme song, “Gigantor” (as you might have guessed) a Japanese giant robot from the 60s. It’s a rocking little number with a great introductory guitar riff. The lyrics are inane, and frankly silly. Still, there’s something about the song that gets me every time. It pumps me up, gets me ready for action.

I was about 21 or so, living on my own, by myself for the first time, with no roommates. I had a job where I needed to get up early and be presentable at work. Coffee and this song got me going. Nearly every morning I would play this song as I got ready, sometimes 4, 5 6 times. This was back in the day when cassette players were thill the height of portable music players, and I was only beginning to create mix tapes to listen to as I walked to work. The song is short, so it would always find a way to help fill up whatever remaining time there was on a cassette. Usually though, I simply put the CD in my player and let the song play over and over in the morning.

To this day it remains one of my favorites. I find it immensely listenable, and even find it bears repeat listens when I am walking. I have a number of songs on my MP3 player, and again, this song is the one with most plays.