Vacation Bridge Art?

The following is part 2 of a series chronicling our epic 3 day vacation in the summer of 2012.


At Longview we crossed the Lewis And Clark Bridge over the Columbia River into Oregon, then turned westward. You could smell the raw lumber being prepared for shipment. Rolling down the window you were hit with the distinct smell of wood. Heck, even before that. As you pass over the bridge you can see barges being loaded.




It was the bridges themselves, however, that were the most memorable. Passing over from Lewiston, Washington to Oregon, then again after travelling westward along U.S. Route 30, taking the Astoria-Megler Bridge back into Washington it felt like we were in a Christo And Jeanne-Claude exhibit.





Sure it was only some maintenance on both bridges, but it sure was weird. Back in 199? when Laura and I travelled around the world (literally) we stumbled upon the Christo And Jeanne-Claude installation where the Reichstadt was wrapped in fabric.





Here we were getting two separate bridges, and had the safety cones and workers in orange vests with forlorn looks of a state worker been present I would seriously have mistaken the occurrence for an installation in progress.