Music Monday: Five Minutes

Music Monday: Five Minutes

I vaguely remember when this song was released in 1984. The music video isn’t that great, it’s interesting enough to watch once or twice, but that’s about it, so it didn’t get much play. When it was released in 1984 the radio station I generally listened to (mainstream rock) wouldn’t play it which is why I didn’t really start hearing the song with any regularity until 1987 or 1988. By then I was firmly entrenched in “alternative” music and as the upcoming election loomed the song was played more often.

The direct quotes from then President Reagan were from a joke speech he gave as a sound check before giving his regular Saturday radio address. Jerry Harrison and Bootsy Collins took a recording that leaked out and set it to music.

Thing is, I’m not nearly as offended by Reagan’s joke of a speech as I probably should be, given my political leanings. Was it poor judgement on his part? Probably. Given the political climate of the time it is an easy joke to make. Just look at the (original) movie Red Dawn. It is almost the exact flip side of the same argument Reagan’s speech offers up.

The collaboration between Jerry Harrison and Bootsy Collins was billed under the moniker of Bonzo Goes To Washington, which is sort of dumb because in the movie Bedtime For Bonzo which the future President starred in, the chimpanzee was the title character. The duo only produced this one song and released it in a couple of different versions. The above video is the regular radio version. I also offer up the “C-C-C-Club Mix” taken from the 12 inch single.